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SJHA's Child Safety Standards

This organization, South Jersey Homeschool Association, is committed to the safety and well-being of all children and youth accessing our services. We have taken steps to educate our volunteers and staff about the risks related to child sexual abuse, instituted policies and practices designed to protect children from the risk of child sexual abuse, and trained our staff and volunteers about proper reporting requirements. 

We expect every adult attending to be pro-active about child safety at co-op.  
Some of our guiding rules for child safety are:

  • ALL ADULTS must be background checked at our co-op.
  • Only parents/guardians will assist in the bathroom.  This is non-negotiable and parents must always be reachable for this purpose.
  • Children should never be alone with just one adult. We must always have two adults with children.
    •  If you see a teacher doesn’t have an aid, immediately report it to the administration.

We all are responsible for safety. If you are an aid you will make sure to keep a careful count of the class and make sure that students remain with the class.  

If a member of the co-op sees a child that got away from the class they will return them to class and report to admin so we can re-evaluate their aid needs.

See Something, Say Something

New Jersey is a mandatory reporting state, if you ever see a child being abused in any way you are required to report it to the state child abuse hotline 1-877-652–2873


About grooming
Signs of child abuse/neglect
NJ reporting abuse + neglect
Parenting Resources