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T-shirt Design Contest

indicates a required answer

Calling all creative young minds! We’re excited to announce a T-shirt design contest exclusively for our homeschooled kiddos! Here’s your chance to showcase your artistic talents and creativity!

Contest Details:

Who Can Enter: All homeschooled students ages 18 and under 

Theme: Designs should pertain to homeschooling or South Jersey Homeschool Association. Ideally students should design on a computer or tablet, but hand drawn submissions are also welcome. Please note, if the winning design is hand drawn, SJHA admin may need to digitize it so that it can be printed. The artist will get to approve the digitized design. Also, the final design will have the SJHA logo added to it by SJHA admin

Submission details:

  1. Create an original T-shirt design that reflects the theme. Maxmimum of one submission per student. 
  2. Parents are to submit the designs on behalf of students by completing this form.
  3. Submissions are due on September 30th, 2024. 
  4. SJHA leadership will vote on which design should win. 
  5. The winner will be announced on October 11th, 2024 in our facebook group. Please join this group to stay updated!


  1. The winner will receive a printed T-shirt mailed to them, and their design will be available for purchase in our merch store for the 2024-2025 school year.
  2. The winner will also receive a $25 amazon.com e-giftcard. 

Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity and originality
  • Relevance to the theme
  • Overall design and appearance
  • Feasibility and reproducibility 

Please reach out if you have a questions and follow us on Facebook for contest updates and winner announcements.

Good luck, young artists!

1. *

Parent Name:

2. *

Parent Email:

3. *

Parent Phone Number:

4. *

Student Name:

5. *

Student Age:

6. *

A brief description of the design:


Please upload the artwork here:

Please do not include any of the following special characters in your file name, you WILL get an ERROR: # pound, % percent, & ampersand, { left curly bracket, } right curly bracket, \ back slash, < left angle bracket, > right angle bracket, * asterisk, ? question mark, / forward slash, blank spaces, $ dollar sign, ! exclamation point, ‘ single quotes, “ double quotes, : colon, @ at sign, + plus sign, ` backtick, | pipe, = equal sign, emojis, alt codes.

7. *

Upload now:

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip
8. *

I give my permission to South Jersey Homeschool Association to use, reproduce, and sell the uploaded artwork. I waive any rights to royalty payments otherwise payable. I also certify that this is my child's original artwork.

By typing my name below, I understand and agree that this form of electronic signature has the same legal force and effect as a manual signature.