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Strike Pot Consent

indicates a required answer

1. *

Today's date:

2. *

Parent First and Last Name:

3. *

Parent Email:

4. *

Child First and Last Name:

5. *

I give permission for my child to participate in the weekly strike/spare pot in the SJHA homeschool bowling league. 

I understand participating in the strike/spare pot may result in winning or losing money. 

I understand that all monies wagered will be exchanged for ticket(s). 

I understand a winning ticket will be selected and the ticket may not be my child’s ticket. 

I understand if my child’s ticket is not selected, the money my child submitted is forfeited. 

I understand if my child’s ticket is selected, they will have the opportunity to win all monies submitted by bowling a strike or spare in the 7th frame of game 3 on the day all monies are submitted.

I understand if my child wins the submitted monies, they will not be required to share their winnings with any other bowlers or with SJHA. The winnings will solely belong to them.

By typing my name below, I understand and agree that this form of electronic signature has the same legal force and effect as a manual signature.